Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What to do On Computer When Getting Bored

1. Learn keyboard shortcuts.

ou may trey to learn keboard shortcut keys for different applications
For Windows Keyboard Shortcuts,
For gmail keyboard shortcuts,
For  firefox keyboard shortcuts,
For Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts.

2. Social networking sites

We are having lot of proffessional social networking sites other than Facebook. Create an account for yourself on Linkedin, delicious, Stumble UponDigg, Twitter. Even if you don’t post something on these sites, you can still browse their popular pages and read all the articles.

3. Explore a Technical Hobby

Normally maximum of us prefer to use Windows operating System as it is much easier for handling & understanding. Try Something New, Try Linux, Under Linux You may have Ubuntu (Highest Users, about 73% of total Linux users), Linux red hat, Fedora Linux (Specially of Graphics), SUSE, and much more. Start it from Linux Ubuntu Bcoz u can find the maximum help topics on Ubuntu as compare to all other operating systems, Try to learn ethical hacking

4. Delete unwanted program.

On Linux, see whether you are running any unwanted services and disable them. If you have any unwanted packages installed, remove them. On windows, go to Add/Remove program, and see whether you can delete any unwanted programs from the system. This might give you both additional disk space and performance.

5. Read technical blogs – 

                    Try to increase your technical Knowledge. There are several technical blogs, that produce high quality content everyday. Click here to browse the technology blog list and read the blogs that interests you.

6. Customize your home page portal.

Most of the People use to have Google as a default search engine & as a homepage,  Rest of the people use Yahoo. they both provide an excellent facility of customizing the home page by your ways
If you don’t have it, create one at either iGoogle or myYahoo.

For iGoogle Click here
For myYahoo Click here

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