Thursday, January 12, 2012

SQUARE TECHNOLOGY.......Credit card payment using Mobile Phone

Jack Dorsey's who is the founder of twitter came to the market with one more invention for credit card payment by using mobile phone....called as Square technology,
This invention is most useful for small businesses. In this technology it possible to process credit card transactions with a small reader that hooks up to a smart phone or tablet computer, But Your smartphone or tablet PC should be connected with internet. The software then produces a digital receipt, which can feature a picture of the purchase, information on how many times the buyer visited that seller in the past, and a map showing where the transaction took place. The receipt can be e-mailed or it is possible to send sms to the buyer who has registered their mobile number.
From the following figure you can observe that it is just plug and play service, so you need not to take care of monthly service fees, gateways fees and other issues. By using this technique small business mans can save some amount of money instead of paying it to bank
The company is giving away its readers by mail to anyone who downloads the Square app on its website. 

Click here to sign up free & get a free square card reader


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