Saturday, September 8, 2012

mainframe for today & tomorrow

Hi friends - -

In this post i will discuss some of the important facts about mainframe, because of that only it is most popular in today's world, & hope for feature also..

                         Today, mainframe computers play a central role in the daily operations of most of the world's largest corporations, including many Fortune 1000 companies. While other forms of computing are used extensively in business in various capacities, the mainframe occupies a coveted place in today's e-business environment. In banking, finance, health care, insurance, utilities, government, and a multitude of other public and private enterprises, the mainframe computer continues to form the foundation of modern business.
                      The long-term success of mainframe computers is without precedent in the information technology (IT) field. Periodic upheavals shake world economies and continuous— often wrenching— change in the Information Age has claimed many once-compelling innovations as victims in the relentless march of progress. As emerging technologies leap into the public eye, many are just as suddenly rendered obsolete by some even newer advancement. Yet today, as in every decade since the 1960s, mainframe computers and the mainframe style of computing dominate the landscape of large-scale business computing.
Why has this one form of computing taken hold so strongly among so many of the world's corporations? In this section, we look at the reasons why mainframe computers continue to be the popular choice for large-scale business computing. The mainframe owes much of its popularity and longevity to its inherent reliability and stability, a result of continuous technological advances since the introduction of the IBM® System/360™ in 1964. No other computer architecture in existence can claim as much continuous, evolutionary improvement, while maintaining compatibility with existing applications.
                        The term mainframe has gradually moved from a physical description of IBM's larger computers to the categorization of a style of computing. One defining characteristic of the mainframe has been a continuing compatibility that spans decades.
I hope  i have covered most of the import thing about mainframe

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