Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Top 10 companies in IT services

World’s Top 10 brands / companies in IT services

Brand Finance, a company that specializes in brand valuation has recently announced World’s Top 10 brands in IT services. Among this list 3 Indian IT Companies are there, that’s a good news for Indian IT market.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) comes in at number 4 behind IBM, HP and Accenture. Infosys is fifth, followed by Cognizant at number 9 and Wipro at number 10.

Here’s the entire list of World’s Top 10 brands in IT services.
1)     IBM   —> Brand Value: $39.1 billion 2)     HP    —> Brand value: $21.7 billion
3)     Accenture   —> Brand value: $ 6.8 billion
4)     Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)  —> Brand value: $4 billion
5)     Infosys    —> Brand value: $3.6 billion
6)     Cap Gemini   —> Brand value: $2.8 billion
7)     Computer Services Corporation (CSC)  —> Brand value: $2.1 billion
8)     Atos Origin   —> Brand value: $2 billion
9)     Cognizant (CTS)    —> Brand value: $1.79 billion
10)    Wipro         —> Brand value: $1.76 billion

Source : NASSCOM


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  2. Such a nice information you share here, I read your post you provide this all companies names are very useful. This all companies provide best software services and they all are very high brand companies in India.
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  3. Such a nice information you share here, I read your post you provide this all companies names are very useful. This all companies provide best software services and they all are very high brand companies in India.
